的有关信息介绍如下:Shine like Rainbow《灿烂如虹》歌词如下:once upon a time很久很久以前茄逗you came into my world and made the stars align你出现在我的世界里集握颤结群星now I can see the signs如今我已明白you pick me up when I get down so I can shine你总会带我走出阴霾让我展露锋芒shine like rainbows像彩虹般闪耀shine like rainbows耀如长虹shine like rainbowsshine like rainbowsfriends you are in my life朋友你是我生命的不可或缺and you can count on me to be there by your side你可以相信我始终会和你并肩作战and when the music comes alive当音乐嘹亮鲜活you sing us songs to lift us up so we can shine你唱着我们的歌使我们凌空光芒万丈and the sound that we hear in our hearts那你我心中涤荡的乐章makes a crescendo越作越响and the light that ignites in the dark那点亮黑暗的光it makes us all giow让我们灼灼闪光and shine like rainbows耀如颤皮卖长虹we shine like rainbows我们像彩虹般发光shine like rainbows重复we shine like rainbowsweshine like rainbows试听:http://www.xiami.com/song/1773527122