

2024-09-10 16:01:10 编辑:zane 浏览量:603




!str空格数字多少多少闷辩加力量的 下面一样  !dex 敏捷  !int 智力  !luk 运气  !ap 能力值的点的,要空格  !sp 技能点,要空格  !item空格毁吵然后输入物品代码再加空格输入数量。  我就知道这几个,还有命令不知道什么意思,你自己看看吧。  GM Commands  !map Warps you to   !gmshop It opens the GM Shop  !item [itemid] [amount] Gives you the item [itemid] and the [amount]  !mesos [amount] Sets your mesos to [amount]  !level [amount] It sets your level to [amount]  !levelup It sets your 1 level up and gives +5 AP and +3 SP  !job [jobid] It sets your job to [jobid]  !sp [amount] It sets your sp to [amount]  !ap [amount] It sets your ap to [amount]  !str [amount] It sets your str to [amount]  !dex [amount] It sets your dex to [amount]  !int [amount] It sets your int to [amount]  !luk [amount] It sets your luk to [amount]  !heal It heals you  !maxhp It sets your max hp to [amount]  !maxmp It sets your max mp to [amount]  !npc [npcid] It spawn a npc [npcid] where you are, if wrong id then DC  !summon [mobid] It summons the [mobid]  !spawn [mobid] It spawns the [mobid]  !cleardrops It clear all drops in the map  !clearmobs It clears all mobs in the map  !clearractors It clears all reactors int the map  !pos Shows you the x and y cordinates, the foothold fh and the map id your in  !pvp pvp starts if it is not started or it stops  !nx It spawns 8 Nx Slimes  !pianus It spawns a Pianus  !papulatus It spawns a Papulatus  !zakum It spawns a Zakum and say to the map that you spawns a zakum  !horntail It spawns a Horntail  !drop [itemid] It drops [itemid] amount  !header [text] It changes the header text to [text] 蚂余缺 !say [text] It says [text] to the whole mapleworld  !exprate [amount] It changes the exprate to [amount]  !mesorate [amount] It changes the mesorate to [amount]  !droprate [amount] It changes the droprate to [amount]  !sendnpc [npcid] Opens the npc [npcid]  你要别的武器装备消耗职业技能标箭什么的代码我有啊,QQ:376761253

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