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才子陆游年轻时和才女唐婉结为夫妻。 As a young and talented wit lu you TangWan became husband and wife. 因唐婉的才华和与陆游的袭衫亲密感情拍顷腔,引起陆母的不满,其母强迫他与唐婉离婚。 For TangWan talent and intimate feelings with lu you, cause female discontent, mother land TangWan divorce with forced him. 于是,乎迟他另外买了一处房产,继续与唐婉生活在一起,但还是被发现,最终只能痛苦分手。 So he additional bought a homes, will continue with TangWan life together, but was found, finally only pain to break up. 此后不久,陆母为其续娶王氏,而唐婉则奉家命改嫁同郡宗子赵士程。 Shortly thereafter, land for its renewal's mother, and TangWan is married life in home ZongZi with county ZhaoShiCheng remarried. 几年后,在一次外出游玩中,唐婉夫妇恰遇陆游夫妇,唐婉给表哥敬酒,大家一起叙旧,及至唐婉将离开,陆游忽然心潮澎湃提笔在沈园写下了这一首《钗头凤》。 A few years later, in a TangWan couple goes out to play, TangWan meet lu you couple, equaling to toast, everyone together about the cousin, but when TangWan will leave, lu you suddenly surging in its writing this ask ChaiTouFeng. "one"

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