的有关信息介绍如下:这网址是美国移民局难民申请的,如你认为你合格,可网上申请www.usimmigrationsupport.org/asylum-refugee-application.html How do I apply for Refugee status in the U.S.? You must go through the following steps to apply for Refugee status:• If you believe that you are in need of protection, you may wish to make your concern known to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or to an international non profit voluntary agency• If either of these.organizations is unavailable to you, you should contact the nearest American embassy or consulate• Where appropriate, a representative from one of these organizations will discuss your situation with you to find out if you might be eligible to apply for resettlement in the U.S.• If eligible, you must then complete a packet of forms, and the USCIS will conduct a formal interview with you to determine if you qualify forrefugee status • If the USCIS determines that you should be resettled in the U.S. as a refugee, the State Department, together with other organizations, will then complete your processing我如何申请难民在美国的地位? 你必须通过以下步骤来申请难隐慎民身纯携羡份:•如果你认为你需要保护的,您不妨让您的关注众所周知的联合国难民事务高级专员(难民署)或国际非牟利志愿机构如果这些组织或•是无法使用你,你应该联系就近的美国大使馆或领事馆•在适当情况下,从这些组织将与您讨论您的情况,找出一个代表,如果你可能有资格申请在美国定居•如果符合资格,你必须再填写一份表格数据包,移民局将与您正式的面试,以确定是否有资格难民地位•如果移民局决定,你应该重新安置在美国作为一个难民,国务院,与做拍其他机构合作,届时将完成您的处理