的有关信息介绍如下:中秋节又称月夕、秋节、仲秋节、八月节、八月会、追月节、玩月节、拜月节、女儿节或团圆节,是流行于全国众多民族中的传统文化节日,时在农历八月十五;因其恰值三秋之半,故名。据说此夜月球距地球最近,月亮最大显圆最亮,所以从古至今都有饮宴赏月的习俗;回娘家的媳妇是日必返夫家,以寓圆满、吉庆之意。也有些地方将中秋节定在八月十六,如宁波、台州、舟山,这与方国珍占据温、台、明三州时,为防范元朝官兵和朱元田的袭击而改“正月十四为元宵、八月十六为中秋”有关。此外在香港,过了中秋兴犹未尽,还要在十六夜再狂欢一次.名为“追月”。 中秋起源 中秋节是远古天象崇拜——敬月习俗的遗痕。据《周礼·春官》记载,周代已有“中秋夜迎寒”、“中秋献良裘”、“秋分夕月(羡桥拜月)”的活动;汉代,又在中秋或立秋之日敬老、养老,赐以雄粗饼。晋时亦有中秋赏月之举,不过不太普遍;直到唐代将中秋与储娥奔月、吴刚伐桂、玉兔捣药、杨贵妃变月神、唐明皇游月宫等神话故事结合起,使之充满浪漫色彩,玩月之风方才大兴。 北宋,正式定八月十五为中秋节,并出现“小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴”的侍银节令食品。孟元老《东京梦华录》说:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”;而且“弦重鼎沸,近内延居老派宴民,深夜逢闻笙芋之声,宛如云外。间里儿童,连宵婚戏;夜市骈阗,至于通晓。”吴自牧《梦梁录》说:“此际金凤荐爽,玉露生凉,丹桂香飘,银蟾光满。王孙公子,富家巨室,莫不登危楼,临轩玩月,或开广榭,玳筵罗列,琴瑟铿锵,酌酒高歌,以卜竟夕之欢。至如铺席之家,亦登小小月台,安排家宴,团围子女,以酬佳节。虽陋巷贫篓之人,解农市酒,勉强迎欢,不肯虚度。此夜天街卖买,直至五鼓,玩月游人,婆婆于市,至烧不绝。”更有意思的是,《新编醉翁谈录》记述拜月之俗:“倾城人家子女不以贫富能自行至十二三,皆以成人之眼眼饰之,登楼或中庭焚香拜月,各有所朝;男则愿早步蟾宫,高攀仙桂。…女则愿貌似嫦娥,圆如皓月。” 明清两朝的赏月活动,盛行不衰。“其祭果饼必圆”;各家都要设“月光位”,在月出方向“向月供而拜”。陆启泓《北京岁华记》载:“中秋夜,人家各置月宫符象,符上免如人立;陈瓜果于庭,饼面绘月宫蟾免;男女肃拜烧香,旦而焚之。”田汝成《西湖游览志余》云:“是夕,人家有赏月之宴,或携柏湖船,沿游彻晓。苏堤之上,联袂踏歌,无异白日”;“民间以月饼相邀,取团圆之义”。富察敦崇《燕京岁时记》称:“中秋月饼,以前门致美斋者为京都第一,他处不足食也。呈供月月饼到处皆有。大者尺余,上绘月宫蜡兔之形。”“每届中秋,府第朱门皆以月饼果品相馈赠。至十五月圆时,陈瓜果于庭以供月,并祀以毛豆、鸡冠花。是时也,皓魄当空,彩云初散,传杯洗盏,儿女喧哗,真所谓佳节也。唯供月时男子多不叩拜。”同时这五百多年中还推出“烧斗香”、“走月亮”、“放天灯”、“树中秋”、“点塔灯”、“舞火龙”、“曳石”、“卖兔儿爷”等节庆活动;其中的赏月,吃月饼、团圆饭等习俗,一直流传到今天。 中秋食俗 古时汉族的中秋宴俗,以宫廷最为精雅。如明代宫廷时兴吃螃蟹。螃蟹用蒲包蒸熟后,众人围坐品尝,佐以酒醋。食毕饮苏叶汤,并用之洗手。宴桌区周,摆满鲜花、大石榴以及其他时鲜,演出中秋的神话戏曲。清宫多在某一院内向东放一架屏风,屏风两侧搁置鸡冠花、毛豆技、芋头、花生、萝卜、鲜藕。屏风前设一张八仙桌,上置一个特大的月饼,四周缀满糕点和瓜果。祭月完毕,按皇家人口将月饼切作若干块,每人象征性地尝一口,名曰“吃团圆饼”。清宫月饼之大,令人难以想象。像末代皇帝溥仪赏给总管内务大臣绍英的一个月饼,便是“径约二尺许,重约二十斤”。 我国有二十多个少数民族也过中秋节,但节俗各异。壮族习惯于在河中的竹排房上用米饼拜月,少女在水面放花灯,以测一生的幸福,并演唱优美的《请月姑》民歌。朝鲜族则用木杆和松枝高搭“望月架”,先请老人上架探月,然后点燃望月架,敲长鼓,吹洞萧,一起合跳〈农家乐舞》。仡佬族在节前的“虎日”,全寨合宰一头公牛,将牛心留到中秋夜祭祖灵,迎新谷,他们称为“八月节”。侗族则在这时让青年人郊游、欢会,称为“赶坪节”。第一天是芦笙会,第二天对歌。小伙子都要化妆,向心上人表达情意。傣族是对空鸣放火枪,然后围坐饮酒,品尝狗肉汤锅、猪肉干巴、腌蛋和干黄鳝,谈笑望月。黎族称中秋节为“八月会”或“调声节”。届时各集镇举行歌舞聚会,每村由一“调声头”(即领队)率领男女青年参加。人员江齐后,大家互赠月饼、香糕、甜粑、花巾、彩扇和背心,成群结队,川流不息。入夜便聚集在火旁,烤食野味,痛饮米酒,开展盛大的调声对歌演唱,未婚青年趁机挑寻未来的伴侣。 中秋与月饼 中秋吃月饼。最先见于苏东坡的“小饼如嚼月,中有酥与饴"之句。唐和五代时赏月的食品只见有“玩月羹”等,未见有月饼。月饼作为一种食品的名称并同中秋赏月联系在一起,始见于南宋的《武林旧事》。明代以来,有关中秋赏月吃月饼的记述就更多了。《宛署杂记》说,每到中秋,百姓们都制作面饼互相赠送,:大小不等,呼为“月饼”。市场店铺里卖的月饼,多用果类作馅子,巧名异状,有的月饼一个要值数百钱。《熙朝乐事》里也说,八月十五日称为中秋,民间以月饼作为礼品互相赠送,取团圆之义。这一天晚上,家家举行赏月助家宴,或者带上装月饼的食盒和酒壶到湖边去通宵游赏。在西湖苏堤上,人们成群结队,载歌载舞。同白天没有两样。从这些记载中,可以看到杭州百姓中秋夜赏月的盛况。 长期以来我国人民对制作月饼积累了丰富的经验,月饼的种类也越来越多,工艺越来越讲究。咸、甜、荤、素各俱异味;光面、花边,各有特色。明末彭蕴章在《幽州土风俗》中写道:“月宫饼,制就银蟾紫府影,一双瞻兔满人间。悔煞嫩娥窃药年。奔入广寒归不得,空劳至杵驻丹颜。”这说明心灵手巧的厨师已经把嫦娥奔月的优美传说,作为食品艺术图案形象再现于月饼之上。清代富察敦崇《燕京岁时记>也有“至供月饼,到处皆有,大者尺余,上绘月宫蟾婚兔之形”的记述。足见古代月饼从内容到形式已是百花齐放了。 On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the autumn festival, Zhongqiu Festival, Bayuejie August, Mid Day, the moon festival and worship on festivaldaughter Festival or festival, which was popular in the traditional culture of the many ethnic festivals, when the Lunar New Year;because coincides San half, was named.It is said that this recent night the moon from Earth, the moon is the most significant round brightest, the custom of antiquity have banquets to celebrate;The daughter-in-law of the day we will return back to the family, complete balance, meaning auspicious.Some places will be determined on August 16 Mid-Autumn Festival, Ningbo, Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Fang Wen Zhen occupy Taiwan, prescribed three states,Zhuyuantian Yuan soldiers and to prevent attacks changed "for the 14th day of the Lantern, August 16 for the Mid-Autumn Festival".Also in Hong Kong, the festival is not too Hing do, but also in a 16-night rave again. Entitled "Mid."Theater worship ancient origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival -- King on the Mid-Autumn Festival custom Relics along.According to the "Spring Rites official" records, there Zhou Dynasty, "Autumn cold welcome", "Mid-Autumn Qiu Xian - Liang.""On the eve of details (worship)"; Han, China the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival or the elderly, endowment devoted to rough-cake.Jin also at the Mid-Autumn Festival to celebrate the move, but not universal; On the Mid-Autumn Festival and will be until the Tang-e Goose, Gui Wu Gang, the rabbit mention,Take change the goddess of the moon, the moon palace team Yu Tang Minghuang and other legends combined, so full of romantic color, the style has the Daxing moon.Northern Song, an official for the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, and the emergence of "trying as chewing, and a flaky-yee," seasonal food.Bangladesh veteran said : "Beautiful Dream to Tokyo," "Autumn, Na Kika knots civil capture restaurants moon."and "Strings re going near the extension of the residents, Wen Sheng line on the night sounds like a cloud. Lane among children, even marital night game;Rai rumbling sound as proficient. "Wu pastoral" Dream Beam, "said :" At this juncture Feng Jian autumn Helinyulu Health cooler Nancy scatter.Mitsumi silver moon. Chu's son, a pretty huge room, everyone received a dangerous Linxuan moon, or opening a wide garden, tortoise shell out a list, exhausting itself.Zhuojiu came to BU alliance actually like. If a majority of shops and homes, also received a small platform, arranged a private banquet was seen surrounded by children.Festival to pay. Although Humble Yen's place baskets poor people, rural city liquor solution barely meet them, not wasted. Street trading days this evening until Ng Kwu.8th visitors, my mother-in-law in the city, never to burn. "Even more interesting is that the" New drinks on, "recording on worship custom :"Fantasia on their own wealth to their children not to 12 or 13, modeled on adult eyes focus exclusively short, I went to the roof -- or atrium lit incense worship,something North Korea; male competitors were willing to step back, Pan Gui. : women were willing to show herself.If a round moon. "The full moon in the Ming and Qing dynasties, as powerful as ever."Its festival will round fruit cake"; Each should be set up "Moonlight", and he was in the direction "of money to repay."Lu Wang ", the age - Remember" set : "Autumn, like others at the home off palace of the moon, such as free website on the stand; Chen fruits in courtfree face painting off palace of the moon moon cake; Su men and women worship in Lhasa, Jordan and burning 之. "TIAN Ru into" West Lake Zhi "goes :" It is the eve ofbring together people with the full moon, or to bark vessels along YOU thoroughly convincing. Sudi above, foot-stomping songs together, the same sun. ""moon cakes to people equally, he reunited meaning."Chong Fu Chadui "Yanjing age in mind," said : "moon cakes before Zhimeizhai doors for the first Kyoto.He Department has inadequate food. for there was everywhere on cakes. The big Chiyu, draw on the vast and cold palace of wax rabbit fortunate. "" Each lantern.Behind the mansion modeled phase gift fruit cakes. Mochitsuki-round, Chen fruits in court for, and offered to soybeansCelosia cristata. it is also, does animal sky, scattered clouds early, the traditional washing beacon Cup, the sons and daughters of 50 years,really have the so-called Festival. not only for the men filed on time. "At the same time it also launched 500 years" burn incense struggle. ""On the Moon" and "light up days", "Mid-Autumn trees," "point tower lights," and "fire dragon dance", "Ye Shi.""God AINSLIAEA sell" festive events; The full moon cakes to eat, the family dinner and other custom has been handed down to today.Eating Custom ancient Han banquet Mid-Autumn lantern custom most precision Blair to court.If the Ming court fashionable eat crabs.Textual with crab boil, everybody sitting taste, with a mixture of Jiucu.Fresh graduates drink Suye plaster and using the toilet.District Week banquet tables filled with flowers, pomegranates and other -- who hardly ever, the Mid-Autumn Festival, a myth opera performances.Qing eastwards up more than one screen at a hospital, the screens on both sides shelved Cristata, soybeans and technology, taro, peanuts, radishes, Xianou.A table set up before the screen, a large home on the cake, surrounded by tight cakes and fruits.On completion of ceremonies, cakes will be cut by the Royal population for a number of pieces, each token to try it, fine-sounding name of "happy to eat cake."Qing large cakes, is hard to imagine.Like last emperor Puyi House chief minister Hospital, presented a cake, is the "Drive about Chixu, weighing about two ten pounds."China has more than 20 ethnic minorities have this festival, but festivals varied.Zhuang accustomed to the rafts in the river used ricecake worship room, girls in the water up lanterns, measured lifetime of happiness.and the beautiful singing folk songs "Please On Regardless".Korean pine used wooden poles and high-ride "chimera F" that the devices, please explore the elderly, and then lit a chimera planes, knocking drum.Winds Music, dance together with the "peasant dance".Gelao Located in the "Tiger Day" and Quanzhai head with a bull slaughter, the cattle were Autumn memorial to the hearts of Hope, New Valley.They called "Bayuejie."Dong's time for young people in the countryside, gathering, called a "rush Ping Festival."Lusheng will be the first day of the next day DuetsIn.When he must make up to the name affections.Dai is the air rifle drills, and then sitting around drinking, the taste Gouroutang pot, edible Thelephora pork, pickled eggs and dry Monopterus albus, humanism chimera.Li said that the Mid-Autumn Festival "August" or "Voice of regulation."By then, the town held a dance gathering from every village, "the first tone" (leader) led by young women and men to participate.Jiang Qi staff, we may split cake, Hong pudding and sweet tsamba, towels, flowers, colorful fans and vest, and intensely, son.At night they gathered in Huopang, cook Game, swig Wine, Tune DuetsIn launched a grand concert,seeking the opportunity to challenge young unmarried partners.Moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes.In view of the first examples of "trying as chewing, with a flaky-yee" sentence.Tang and the Five Dynasties period to take the food only when a "lunar share" is not known to have cakes.As a food cakes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together with the names began to surface warning of the "heroes in the old thing".Ming Dynasty, eating moon cakes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival even more records."Lithuania Department miscellanies," said each of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the people who co-produced tortillas presentation : size, and called for "cakes."Market shops sell cake, use fruit for Xianzi, who skillfully bacterial, and some cakes to a value of hundreds of money."Hee towards hers," Lane said, on August 15 as the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes as gifts to each other civil gift, he reunited society.This one night, everyone at a private banquet to celebrate the relief, or a box of moon cakes and loaded onto the lake to Jiuhu overnight Tour.Sudi in the West Lake, people come together, singing and dancing.No different from the same day.From these records, you can see that people in Hangzhou, China Autumn celebrate the event.Long our people have accumulated rich experience in making cakes, the cakes are more and more types of craft more stress.Salty, sweet, dirty, all-the smell; Smooth, lace, as well.Peng Yun Zhang at the end of the Ming Dynasty "You state customs territories," he wrote : "off palace of the moon cake, silver moon Zifu impact on the system.Bringing a pair of rabbit among us. Tenderness regret expelling sha medicine, e burglary. it is only now widely cold not return.Dan Yan workers to poke in the air. "This shows 93-1986 chef of the Moon had a beautiful legendArt as a pictorial image represented in the food cakes above.Chong Qing Fu Chadui "Yanjing age" is a "for-cakes everywhere there, who Chiyu.draw on the vast and cold palace toad marriage Rabbit "on the recording.Evident from the contents and forms of ancient cakes are a hundred flowers blooming.