的有关信息介绍如下:一字一句手翻的~Whether you PLAY, MANAGE or SUPPORT a team then iTeam is the app for you. 不管你是效力于,管理还是支持一只队伍,iTeam都是给你(准备)的应用程序。iTeam’s user friendly interface follows the same interactive experience as the main Apple mobile apps including Contacts, iPod, SMS and Email, making it quick and easy to get started.iTeam拥有用户友好的操作界面并唤厅与主要的苹果移动应用程序(包括联系人,iPod,短信和电子邮件)沿袭了相同的交互体验。You can keep records of all of your teams in the following sports:American FootballFootball (Soccer)你可以保存以下运动项目的记录:美式足球足球(英式足球)Keep track of fixtures so that you always have them to hand to save you requiring an internet connection.保存比赛的视频或者音频和枯隐以便你随时都能看到,省去再去连接败铅网络(来获取这些比赛视频或音频)You can enter details of the opposition including ground and contact name.你可以记录对手的详细信息,包括场地和联系人名字。Build up history of players including which fixtures they have played along with statistics against each player. Statistics vary depending on which sport your team plays in. For example:建立选手的历史数据记录,其中包括他们在哪一场比赛中对阵哪一个对手的技术统计数据。这些技术统计数据会因为你的队伍所进行的运动类别的不同而不同。例如:American Football - Touchdowns and Field GoalsCricket - Runs, Wickets and CatchesFootball (Soccer) - Goals, Penalties, Yellow and Red Cards美式足球 - 达阵 和 射门得分板球 - 局数,三柱门防守 和 接住足球(英式足球) - 进球,犯规,黄牌和红牌iTeam can be used to store details of аmаteur as well as Professional teams and is useful for parents whose children play team sports.iTeam可以用作保存业余和专业运动队伍的数据而且对那些有小孩参加团队运动的父母来说很有用。