《The Mirical Worker》观后感
的有关信息介绍如下:您没说明是要英文还是中文的,所以我也附上翻译:I believe this is one of the most spectacular movies I have ever seen! The most amazing thing about "The Miracle Worker" is its absolutely timeless quality. It still holds up beautifully for a film that's almost 40 years old. The movie is about a 7-year old blind, deaf and mute child named Helen Keller. After numerous attempts to communicate with Hellen, the Kellers hire Annie Sullivan, a twenty year old teacher from Boston. Annie, who is virtually blind herself, has an aggressive, but meaningful approach to help Helen overcome her disabilities. This movie truly does deliver, from the infamous dining room scene to the heart wrenching finale.The famously long sequence in the dining room where no more than perhaps five lines of dialogue are uttered, it is relentlessly physical, a dazzling and exhausting battle of wills, so entrancing a show by the two characters as they run around the room, spoons thrown, with every object getting trashed. It is violence in a different form, one with an extremely productive purpose that makes it impossible to avert your eyes. It's mesmerizing. The ending is arguably sentimental, which is why the devastating last 10 minutes are so wonderful. The film covers only the short period leading up to Helen Keller's breakthrough to others as a child of intelligence -- instead of a child who's incorrectly believed to be mentally handicapped. This is one of those movies that you can't just watch once. The more you watch it, the more you'll love it. I must admit, it's hard not to be emotional moved by this masterpiece which is "One of the finest works of art in the history of motion pictures." (Boxoffice)我相信这是我观赏过的一部最出色的电影族斗!“奇迹工作者”最令人惊奇的是它那绝对永恒的质量;几乎是40岁了,但它仍然是一部靓丽的电影。 这部电影是关于一个名为海伦凯勒的盲,聋,哑的7岁孩子。经过无数次尝试与海伦沟通失败后,兆模磨她父母聘请了一位码宏来自波士顿的二十岁教师,安妮苏利文。安妮本身也是几乎失明的人,她采取一种咄咄逼人但有意义的方式帮助海伦克服她的残疾。这部电影确实不负众望,从那著名的饭厅场景到打动心扉的结局。这著名的饭厅场面是一组挺长的片段,也许只有不到五句的对话;但却是一场持续的、粗野的、眼花缭乱和筋疲力尽的意志斗争,随着两个角色在饭厅的来回奔跑、乱扔勺子和摔破所有的东西,展示了一场引人入胜的表演。这是一种另类的,很有目的性的暴力镜头,让人看得目不转睛,使人着迷。而结局可以说是伤感的,这也是为什么最后10分钟是如此精彩绝妙的原因。故事没有描述海伦被人误解为弱智,而只描绘在短期内导致她有所突破的一个聪明孩子。这是那种不能只观看一次的电影,你会越看越喜欢它。我必须承认很难不被这部杰作感动,‘票房’杂志将之称为‘电影史上最优秀的艺术作品之一’。【英语牛人团】